About Us

ScoutStuff4Sale.com is a store that offers Boy and Girl Scout memorabilia for sale. We currently have over 90,000 items available on the site and we are adding new inventory often. Our staff has over 50 years experience buying and selling Scout memorabilia. There is not a dealer on the Internet more qualified to purchase your collection, sell items for you on consignment or for you to buy from.
Over time, we will add some of the best collectibles available. These include:
- One of the most complete Senior Scout memorabilia collections, including Air Scout Ace, Silver Awards, Ranger & Quartermaster Medals; plus all patches associated with these programs
- A complete Eagle Scout memorabilia collection including a T.H. Foley Eagle Scout Medal, a Type 1 Eagle Scout patch and all of the Sea Scout Eagle Scout patches
- One of the best Scout book collections ever assembled, including many signed editions and rare printings
- Rare Order of the Arrow patches, sashes and other collectibles
- Obscure Baden Powell and Boer War Memorabilia
- Rarely seen World Jamboree and National Jamboree items
- Scarce CSP's, JSP's and CP's
- The list goes on and on...
Consignment Sales: We are often asked if we will sell memorabilia for other collectors, and would be happy to discuss consignment sales with you. Please e-mail consignment@scoutstuff4sale.com with complete contact information and details about your items, or click on the Consignment Sales link for a convenient form.
Purchase of Collections: If you would like to sell a few items, or entire collections, please e-mail us at acquisitions@scoutstuff4sale.com with details about the memorabilia and complete contact information, or click on the Sell Your Scouting Items link for a convenient form.
Please bookmark our site and check back often.
Our mailing address is:
Scout Stuff 4 Sale
P.O. Box 9153
Calabasas, CA 91302
ScoutStuff4Sale.com is a supporter of the Boy Scouts of America
This website is in no way owned by, or affiliated with, the Boy Scouts of America