Q: What are your shipping costs?
A: You can view an estimate of shipping costs by viewing your cart. However, final shipping costs will be displayed on the Invoice you see before confirming your order.
Q: Where do you get your inventory for sale?
A: We have collected for over 50 years. Most of the inventory comes from our collection. The remainder is from consignment from other collectors or pieces we acquire for inventory.
Q: I cannot find a phone number anywhere on your site. How can I speak to somebody?
A: Our phone number is (818) 851-1065 and is at the top of our webpage. Because we all have day jobs, we are not always available to speak personally about your order or answer your questions. If you e-mail us at info@ScoutStuff4Sale.com with your question and contact information, we will e-mail you right back or call you as soon as possible.
Q: Will you sell my items on your site?
A: We will be happy to. Please e-mail us at consignment@ScoutStuff4Sale.com. Please be descriptive about what you would like to sell and give your phone number. Pictures are helpful too.
Q: I have a lot of Scout memorabilia that was given to me, I earned or I do not collect any longer? Will you buy it?
A: We will be happy to. Please e-mail us at acquisitions@ScoutStuff4Sale.com. Please be descriptive about what you would like to sell and give your phone number. Pictures are helpful too.